Anti-Termite Treatment Services in Dubai

TERMITES – Our Hidden Enemy

Termites are human’s hidden enemies because the damage they cause is not visible until it is too late. Termites are the only insects that can digest cellulose; they are rapidly evolving and are now known to infest communication cables made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), neoprene, and other materials.

They also have an impact on electrical pipes, fittings, and other components, so they must be controlled scientifically. Termites live in colonies and reproduce quickly; the Queen termite lays over 40,000 eggs per day. Once the breeding process begins, controlling the infestations becomes difficult. They are so small that they can enter the structure and begin breeding despite the o.5mm or 1/64th inch gap. Sepest will have the solution to control termites in Dubai


We identify the soil contact with the building before beginning treatment and then create an effective termiticide barrier. There are numerous areas and sections of the building or house.

Site Preparation

We conduct a thorough site inspection once the treatment areas have been identified. Our specialized termite control team inspects the site or property to determine the soil condition.


 Anti-termite treatment chemicals on the entire surface area, including the junction of the walls and floors, as well as the soil and the exterior perimeter of the building.


Pre-construction Anti-termite Treatment

Pre-construction anti-termite treatment is a soil-level treatment performed during the early stages of construction. It has a service warranty of up to ten years. Because the soil on which the construction will take place is treated directly, it has a long-term effect. Pre-construction treatment protects against termite infestation completely.
This treatment is ideal for under-construction building sites, ground floor flats, and individual flats undergoing flooring replacement. Southern Express Pest Control takes meticulous measures to ensure the efficacy of our anti-termite treatment.

Post-construction Anti-termite Treatment

We perform post-construction termite treatment on existing buildings, individual flats, and homes during renovation and interior construction to protect the property from termite infestation. Post-construction Anti-termite treatment entails our termite Treatment Specialist drilling holes at the skirting level on the walls, injecting liquid termiticide into them, and sealing the holes. Entire woodworks are sprayed as well. If the treated area becomes infected again within a certain period, we will re-treat it for free, depending on the type of infection and other conditions.